Mammary Glands Reconstruction - Factored By Looks?

In 2016, Americans spent approximately 8 billion dollars on comestic surgery procedures ranging from breast augmentations, facelifts, buttock augmentations, to facial implants. Off all the procedures, breast augmentation, also known as Mammaplasty was the most popular and sought after procedure.

What is a breast augmenation surgery procedure?

Breast augmentation surgery is a procedure, where the patient's breast is enlarged by either inserting a breast implant into the breast or transferring fat from other part's of the patient's body into the breast. Implants can be either silicon or saline. Silicon implants are filled with silicone gel, while saline implants are filled with sterile salt water.

Why do people get breast augmentation surgery procedure?

People undergo the procedure for a number of reasons. Some procedures are simply cosmetic, while others are medically based. Some of the many reasons why people increase their breast sizes include:

Look and feel better about themselves
Correct symmetry of breast
Fix nipple or areola
Reconstruction of breast after breast cancer or other trauma
Fit clothing better

What should you do BEFORE your procedure?

Like any surgery, this is a major procedure that requires planning. The first task is finding the right surgeon for the job. It is important to note that not all doctors are certified to perform this procedure. Only board certified surgeons can legally perform the procedure. Yes, it sounds silly to even mention this fact but many patients have suffered at the hands of doctors, which were not board certified to perform cosmetic surgery.

Size matters. One of the difficult decisions you also have to make is, figuring out what size you want your new breast to be. Some people prefer a noticeable increase in size - one that is easily recognized, while others prefer a "natural" or less imposing look.

How much does the procedure costs?

Once you find the doctor that meets your needs, research the costs of your surgery. This procedure usually costs a lot of money. So the priorities should be set right. If it isn't because of a breast cancer or any other medical condition that you wish to undergo the procedure, if it is because of aesthetic values, then the latter shouldn't be in the scheme of things.

If you plan to take leave from work, be sure to budget for that. In addition, there are restrictions on movements once your surgery is completed. For example, you cannot participate in any intensive exercises that involve a lot of movement. The surgeon will also give you a list of things that you cannot do with your hands so make sure that you are prepared to have someone do them for you or plan ahead.

Aesthetic shouldn't prompt augmentation


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