Be The Boss Of Your Life

If you have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you may feel like your head is spinning. The more the doctor tells you, the harder it is to absorb. Chances are your doctor has given you an outline of what you should eat and which foods you need to avoid, talked to you about setting up appointments to see an endocrinologist, a registered dietitian, a podiatrist, and a diabetes educator, depending on your specific needs. You may be fortunate and not need to take any diabetes medications at this time as research has proven changes in lifestyle - changes that anyone can make - have enormous power to prevent and to help treat Type 2 diabetes. In that case, your doctor will advise you to follow a healthy eating plan and start moving more to lower your blood sugar, lose weight and stop diabetes and its complications in their tracks.

Regardless of how many medical people you need to see, the reality is you will need to empower yourself. Empowerment involves your choice to take control over your life - it may include working with your health-care team and with your family and friends. Most of all it requires you continue to educate yourself on Type 2 diabetes and putting what you learn into action.

The logical place to go is to your computer and to start using Google and health blogs like for your detective work. Using these means, you can learn more about which foods are healthy and which foods to leave on the supermarket shelf. You will find information about how you benefit from a more physically active lifestyle. Becoming more physically active is a lifestyle choice that will help you lower and control your blood sugar

Type 2 diabetes is not a death sentence, but it is a long-term disease. The best news about this form of diabetes is you can make a significant impact on the course of the disease by practicing self-management. There are official diabetes sites for most countries so you can learn how to find local assistance, whether online or offline. Ask your doctor to give you a list of topics to research to help you educate yourself. Remember to check the validity of the information and the site you found it on. If you need to verify information you have found, ask your doctor if it is accurate.

The more you learn about Type 2 diabetes and how it affects your body, the more comfortable your life will be. Although self-management may not be easy, it can be integrated into your life and become part of your routine.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Be Positive


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