First Lifestyle Clinic opens in Lagos to tackle cancer, others

INAUGURATION: Guests at the inauguration ceremony of Grover Medical's Lifestyle Clinic and Artemis Hospital, made its debut in Lagos

GOOD news for Nigerians prone to common health issues and disorders related to lifestyle such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, stroke , cancer etc., as the 1st lifestyle clinic in the country – Grover Medical's Lifestyle Clinic, in collaboration with Artemis Hospitals Gurgaon, India – made its debut in Lagos recently.

Speaking during the inauguration ceremony, the Medical Director, Dr Mrs Arvinder Grover, said the Clinic has been established as a special purposed vehicle to drive the campaign and necessity for preventive health through effective lifestyle modification and clinical management.

She noted that lifestyle diseases occur as a result of the way people lead their lives on a daily basis. "The diseases develop as a result of work, environmental factors, food we eat, exercise habits and stress.

"More work and no play, makes a lot of us prone to a host of diseases, physical ailments, and emotional problems.

"Our Vision is to become the 1st choice medical institution in Nigeria for management of lifestyle diseases while the Mission is to enhance the health and wellbeing of our clients by providing an affordable and high quality preventive as well as clinical care of lifestyle diseases."

Grover quoted the World Health Organisation, WHO index, that Nigeria has a World Life Expectancy ranking of 171, giving it the lowest lifespan expectancy compared to France, Japan, USA and others.

Source: Vanguard


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