Five (5) Best Clinically Proven Ways To Improve Eye Sight And Vision

As people age, the body starts to fall apart: Hormones decline, Skin wrinkles, Libido and sex drive drops, Hair thins, Memory problems, Hearing declines, and of course Vision problems. Genetics play a big role in everything. However, most of these problems can be reversed or most certainly slowed down if the proper preventative measures are taken. This is especially important if a person does not have the best eye genetics. Early adoption of these measures lead to better results and higher chances of potentially reversing, preventing or slowing down the progressive decline of these age related problems.

  1. Eat Specific Foods & Take Supplements

Diets filled with a variety of fresh, organic foods, vegetables and fruits are highly recommended. Where this is lacking, supplements that have been shown to help prevent eye degeneration and enhance vision especially at night are indicated. These include Vitamins A (and Beta Carotene), C, E, and the Mineral Zinc. These vitamins and mineral contain antioxidants that can help prevent macular degeneration (a condition in which the part of the eye that controls central vision – macula – deteriorates).


Food sources that control healthy amounts of these nutrients include Carrots, Red Peppers, Broccoli, Spinach, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, and Citrus Fruits. Omega-3 fatty acids are also recommended which can be obtained from Salmon, Flaxseeds, and Krill Oil.

       2. Blood Sugar Control

High blood sugars causes damage to the tiny blood vessels in the eyes. Good nutrition, Exercise, and Supplements (such as White Mulberry Tablets) that help lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity are highly recommended.

        3.     Blood Pressure Control

High blood pressure can cause inflammation to the optic nerve which in turn can cause pain, poor eye sight especially night vision and can even lead to complete vision loss if not treated.

        4.     Optimal Cholesterol Levels – No Statin Drugs

High and low cholesterol are both linked to cataracts. Also, statin drugs which are prescribed to lower cholesterol are also linked to cataracts. Cataracts is a clouding of the eye’s lens and they are the leading cause of blindness among people older than 55 years. It is recommended that cholesterol levels should be within a healthy range, not LOW or HIGH.

        5.     Exercise & Rest

The muscles that control the eyes need to be exercised and given adequate rest. The eyes work hard during the day and need to rest every now and then. 
Muscles of The Human Eye

People who work with a computer for long stretches at a time tend to experience strains. To ease eye strains, follow the 20-20-20 RULE. At every 20 minutes, stop starring at the computer or phone and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This should be done for 3-5 “sets” or times.

The right kind of sunglasses are also important during outings. They should be able to block out 100% of UVA and UVB radiation from sunlight. Sunglasses help protect your eyes from conditions that stem from eye damage such as cataracts, macular degeneration and pterygium (growth of tissue over the white part of the eye). Additionally, sunglasses with proper UV blockage reduce strain and stress on the eye muscles. Also, it is important to install blue-blocking software on computer screens and phones.


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