Our Choices And Our Health
Lifestyle Choices and Digestive Health We may have heard people say time and time again that "if you want to know how long a person would live, then pay attention to their daily routines and their diets." Lifestyle and the choice of food can affect how the body digests what is ingested. In order words, to stay healthy, one has to live healthy and make healthy choices, choices that impact positively on the System which serves to provide the nutrients that are required by the body for growth, repair, regulation, and energy. There are healthy bowel habits that promote better digestive health and they include among others the following: Choosing the right diet In adding to eating a balanced diet (a meal that contains all the necessary nutrients in their right proportion), here are a few things that should be considered. Include fiber in diet. Fibers help to add bulk to stool as well as stimulate a regular bowel movement thus relieving constipation. Some sources of fibers include...