
Showing posts from May, 2020

Scientific Ways To Learn

 These 10 Scientific Ways to Learn Anything Faster Could Change Everything You Know About Dramatically Improving Your Memory by Jeff Haden, December 13, 2018 08:00 AM While it's nice to think you can hack your way to success, whenever you try to accomplish a huge goal -- like starting and growing a business -- skills matter. Who you know is certainly important. But what you know, and what you can do, matters a whole lot more. Which means the faster you learn, the more successful you can be. So let's jump right in. Here are ten ways, backed by science, to speed up the learning process. 1. Say out loud what you want to remember. Research shows that compared to reading or thinking silently (as if there's another way to think), the act of speech is a "quite powerful mechanism for improving memory for selected information." According to scientists, "Learning and memory benefit from active involvement. When we add an active measure or a production...

Mouthwash, Erectile Dysfunction, High Blood pressure, & Digestive Health.

Unless prescribed by your Doctor or Dentist for a specific condition, avoid the use of antibacterial mouthwashes and here are the reasons why you should. In December 18, 1992, the Science Journal named it as the molecule of the year and in 1998, it was the topic that awarded three Pharmacologists the Nobel Prize for furthering our understanding of how it impacts cardiovascular health. Nitric Oxide (NO), the 1992 molecule of the year is involved in a variety of systems and processes in the body including:   Proper erectile function for men   Enhancement of gastric motility and the overall digestive health Improving of blood circulation and thus lowering of blood pressure. Other processes include impacting memory and behavior, enhancing immunity, decreasing inflammation, improving sleep quality, enhancing endurance and strength, and insulin signaling. The Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway and the Enterosalivary Circuit Nitric Oxide (NO) which is prod...