
Showing posts from 2020

Cashew Nuts And Pregnancy

  Nut consumption had been proven to have beneficial effects on health. Harvard Medical School published an article in February 2014 titled "To Stay Healthy And Live Longer, Go Nuts". This doesn't mean one should go crazy, it simply means that NUTS should be incorporated into dietary regimes. Cashews are kidney shaped seeds, which like most seeds and nuts, are rich in nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. Interestingly, cashew nuts are safe to consume during pregnancy, as long as one is not allergic to them and do not consume them in excess. The vitamins and minerals they contain nourishes the mother and support the growth and development of the fetus. The nutritional value of cashew nuts ranges from unsaturated fats and dietary fibers, to vitamins and minerals. Unsaturated fats are a category of fats that are linked to a lower risk of premature death and heart disease. They help to lower cholesterol levels. Dietary fibers play a role in digestive health and help prev...

Our Choices And Our Health

Lifestyle Choices and Digestive Health We may have heard people say time and time again that "if you want to know how long a person would live, then pay attention to their daily routines and their diets." Lifestyle and the choice of food can affect how the body digests what is ingested. In order words, to stay healthy, one has to live healthy and make healthy choices, choices that impact positively on the System which serves to provide the nutrients that are required by the body for growth, repair, regulation, and energy. There are healthy bowel habits that promote better digestive health and they include among others the following: Choosing the right diet In adding to eating a balanced diet (a meal that contains all the necessary nutrients in their right proportion), here are a few things that should be considered. Include fiber in diet. Fibers help to add bulk to stool as well as stimulate a regular bowel movement thus relieving constipation. Some sources of fibers include...

The Human Digestive System

Diagram of the Human Digestive System *Accessory Organs of Digestion The Human Digestive System is basically made up of two parts: the digestive tract and the accessory organs of digestion. Without the organs of digestion that secrete important chemicals and enzymes which act upon the ingested food, the digestive tract, measuring about 25 - 30 Feet would probably be unable to perform the functions of digestion and absorption. The mouth is the first organ of digestion. It contains structures such as the teeth, tongue and palate which help to chew the food and break it down into smaller pieces that are easy to swallow. Also, the smaller pieces have an increased surface area which makes the action of digestive juices/enzymes faster. In addition to the structures that aid in food mastication, the mouth also contains salivary glands. The major salivary glands in the mouth are the parotid glands, the submandibular glands, and the sublingual glands. These glands secrete a substance called...

Breast Cancer & Breast Self-Examination Techniques

Do you know that when you sleep on your abdomen, tissues in the chest area may become compressed and develop cysts? Breast cyst can be felt on examination as a lump which is seen as a form of breast disorder. Breast disorders may be noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Most of these breast disorders are noncancerous and not life threatening, and as such do not require treatment. In contrast, breast cancer can mean loss of a breast or of life. Thus, for many women, breast cancer is their worst fear. However, potential problems can be detected early when women regularly examine their breast themselves, are examined regularly by their doctors, and have breast scans or mammograms as recommended. Early detection of breast cancer can be essential to successful treatment. Symptoms related to the breast are common and according to statistics, are the reason for more than 15 million visits to the doctor every year. Such symptoms include: Breast pain, Breast lump, A discharge from the...

Scientific Ways To Learn

 These 10 Scientific Ways to Learn Anything Faster Could Change Everything You Know About Dramatically Improving Your Memory by Jeff Haden, December 13, 2018 08:00 AM While it's nice to think you can hack your way to success, whenever you try to accomplish a huge goal -- like starting and growing a business -- skills matter. Who you know is certainly important. But what you know, and what you can do, matters a whole lot more. Which means the faster you learn, the more successful you can be. So let's jump right in. Here are ten ways, backed by science, to speed up the learning process. 1. Say out loud what you want to remember. Research shows that compared to reading or thinking silently (as if there's another way to think), the act of speech is a "quite powerful mechanism for improving memory for selected information." According to scientists, "Learning and memory benefit from active involvement. When we add an active measure or a production...

Mouthwash, Erectile Dysfunction, High Blood pressure, & Digestive Health.

Unless prescribed by your Doctor or Dentist for a specific condition, avoid the use of antibacterial mouthwashes and here are the reasons why you should. In December 18, 1992, the Science Journal named it as the molecule of the year and in 1998, it was the topic that awarded three Pharmacologists the Nobel Prize for furthering our understanding of how it impacts cardiovascular health. Nitric Oxide (NO), the 1992 molecule of the year is involved in a variety of systems and processes in the body including:   Proper erectile function for men   Enhancement of gastric motility and the overall digestive health Improving of blood circulation and thus lowering of blood pressure. Other processes include impacting memory and behavior, enhancing immunity, decreasing inflammation, improving sleep quality, enhancing endurance and strength, and insulin signaling. The Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway and the Enterosalivary Circuit Nitric Oxide (NO) which is prod...